Travmatik etkenler ve şiddetin ruh sağlığına etkisi, cinsellik ve cinsel kimlik sorunları konusunda uzman psikiyatr
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Özata Yildizhan B, Yüksel S, Avayu M, Noyan H, Yildizhan E. Effects of Gender Reassignment on Quality of Life and Mental Health in People with Gender Dysphoria January 2017 Turk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry 29(1) DOI 5080/u18259
Baran Tatar Z, Yüksel S. Mobbing at Workplace – Psychological Trauma and Documentation of Psychiatric Symptoms January 2018 DOI 29399/npa.22924
Yüksel S, Oglagu Z, Başterzi AD, Saner SGender Based Sexual Violence Story Women’s Sexual Assault and Human Rights from A Feminist Perspective: Experiences from Turkey, Torture Journal (in press)